General Catalyst, Parker Institute back Georgiamune’s $75M Series A for cancer, autoimmune trials


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Apr 15, 2024

General Catalyst, Parker Institute back Georgiamune’s $75M Series A for cancer, autoimmune trials

Mary­land biotech Geor­gia­mune emerged Wednes­day with a $75 mil­lion Se­ries A, clear­ance to be­gin its first clin­i­cal tri­al lat­er this year and a board that in­cludes for­mer deputy FDA

Mary­land biotech Geor­gia­mune emerged Wednes­day with a $75 mil­lion Se­ries A, clear­ance to be­gin its first clin­i­cal tri­al lat­er this year and a board that in­cludes for­mer deputy FDA com­mis­sion­er Amy Aber­nethy.

The thrice-up­sized fi­nanc­ing will bankroll the start of three clin­i­cal tri­als across var­i­ous can­cers and au­toim­mune dis­eases as the biotech looks to “re­pro­gram T cells,” CEO Samir Khleif told End­points News. He found­ed the com­pa­ny out of his lab at Au­gus­ta Uni­ver­si­ty, where he was the for­mer di­rec­tor of the Geor­gia Can­cer Cen­ter.

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